Remember to come in to our downtown Fallbrook store tomorrow for a free Abrakadoodle event involving hand made Mother's Day cards!
Dads: this is a great opportunity to share an event with your kids and make a great gift for mom.
Here's a recap from our last blog about this free day of fun!

MAY 1ST, 2010
12 - 2 pm
Wee Little Sprouts
119 North Main Ave Fallbrook, CA 92028
It’s fun! Children love Abrakadoodle art classes and programs because they engage their minds, inspire their creativity and develop new skills.
It develops skills! Abrakadoodle helps develop creative and academic skills that are related to school success. Researchers and prominent thinkers are telling us that children who participate in quality art classes and programs are more successful in school and in life.
It encourages craftsmanship! Children learn how to engage in the creative art process and focus on quality task performance whether learning about techniques of the master artists or developing a personal artistic style.
It builds self-confidence and expression!Abrakadoodle art classes afford children the ability to convey their ideas, perceptions and feelings creatively, giving children enormous satisfaction while building self-confidence.
We hope to see you there! Call us at760-728-9339 for more details.
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